Thursday, June 30, 2011

On the Road to New Mexico

"Mexico? I thought that said Texaco."

Our big idea of getting an early start on the road didn't work out as planned. Since we spent a great deal of washing clothes, packing, and re-packing the night before, we were exhausted by morning. We did manage to get on the road before noon though!

My eyes teared up as we drove away from Tucson.  It was as if I was the one moving instead of Mike.  I had developed a great fondness for the scenery and beauty of this place.  I couldn't wait to see New Mexico and say goodbye to the AZ heat.  How exciting to add add another state to my list of visited states.

AZ Heat!
However, I was not impressed with New Mexico.  Although there were some views, the majority of the scenery was dead. We made a quick stop in El Paso for mexican food at Ay Caramba.  "Ay Caramba" is right! Bluck! The food was not what we anticipated at all. Perhaps we expected the usual Tex Mex style but instead was treated to something strangely different.  I have eaten at many Tex Mex restaurants and taquerias, but the food here was horrid!  It would be great getting back to Houston where our restaurants are the best!! No Joke! Houston has like 40,000 restaurants. :)

We finally made it to the hotel in Carlsbad, NM where the hot tub and jacuzzi was THE BEEEEST!! I was tempted to leave Mike behind as he never wanted to leave the hot tub.

Tomorrow we see aliens and caverns....Cool!!

Welcome to El Paso TX

Dust Storm in New Mexico

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