Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mt Lemon and San Xavier Mission Musuem

What time is it??

Since our Flagstaff hotel had thick dark curtains, I never realized how early the sun rose in the morning.  I quickly learned once we were back in Tucson.  Waking up to bright sunshine at 5:30 a.m. was not fun and made "sleeping in" a little difficult.

Mike decided to show me around his hometown of Tucson.  Our first stop was to sightsee the Mt Lemmon Mountains.  Unfortunately, the majority of hiking trails and even the shoulders on the highway were closed for wildfire precautions.  I was able to get a few pictures in but I would have loved to hike a few trails.

Since our hike was cut short, we decided to visit the San Xavier Mission Musuem and grab Indian fried bread. The bread reminded me of a funnel cake without the swirels and powdered sugar. At least I finally got to see the inside of the church and grab some photos of the paintings.  I felt a little lost in time with all the rich artifacts and statues.

Our next stop, Saguaro National Park and Gates Pass for some rock climbing...

Mt Lemmon

Mt Lemmon

Closed hiking trails
Mike admiring the Last Supper painting
 San Xavier Mission Musuem

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