Saturday, June 25, 2011

Flagstaff Bound

Don't trust the GPS!!

Whew! I landed in Tucson.  Now what? Gulp!! I was relieved to see Mike, dressed in khaki shorts and sandals, waiting for me near the luggage.  He looked the same as when I saw him 10 years ago. :) Cool.  We didn't have a problem spotting my bright pink luggage rolling by. It was a "gift" from my Mommy...ok! LOL

Of course the first order of business was to find food but I was much too excited to eat.  So Mike suggested that we check out the San Xavier Mission musuem, before it closed.  We tried to get some fried bread and other Indian food but we were too late.  Maybe another day.  In any case, I got some nice photos and a chance to see the Holy mountain and the cave above the beautiful ancient church.

After hours of blabbing, we decided to make a go for it to Flagstaff.  This would give us an advancement on time so we could tour the Sedona mountains on Sunday. I was a little tired from the flight but my excitement kept me awake most of the way. 

The Sony laptop and our MP3 players came in handy with a large array of music and games to keep us alert, but I think my blabbing with excitement did most of the trick.  However, the MicroSoft Street Maps GPS software was a "little" off.  What was originally to be 3 hours to Flagstaff according to Street Maps turned into 5 hours. Somewhere in there Mike stopped for gas, but I was snoozing!  Whatever the case, don't trust MS Street Maps.  Some roads don't exist.

Tucson AZ

Mike & the  "van" - melting in the 110 degree Tucson heat! 

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