Saturday, June 25, 2011

Landing in Tucson...Yikes!

What planet am I on again?

"OMG...what have I done?" was the first thought that came into my mind. I had actually done it - flew on my own, alone, to another unknown territory.  Ok, so I maybe I wouldn't be totally long as Mike didn't change his mind and forget me at the airport.

Mountains in AZ

I tearfully stared out the window in amazment as my eyes caught a glimpse of the mountain ranges. The beauty of the scenery was breathtaking!  I finally could imagine what early settlers must of felt like as they traveled into the west.  Too bad they didn't get the awesome view that I was experiencing from above. The dark brown and "orangy" mountain horizon looked so similar to pictures taken from the Mars Rovers that I thought I might be on Mars. With the many pictures that I had seen from Mars, it was hard to tell.  Out of the corner of my eye I spotted round circles that looked like fields of grass or wheat.  Crop circles?? They DO exist!
Crop Circles?
Before I knew it, the captain announced that we would be landing in Tucson momentarily. Gasp! Oh Gosh! I knew this hillbilly KY girl was a long way from home.  My relaxtion suddenly went into fear mode. My heart pounded with anxiety and my hands shook with nervousness. "What will happen? Will my luggage make it? What do I say to Mike?" On and on the thoughts ran until the plane touched ground.  Oh man! No turning back now.  Here goes nothing....

Mountains in AZ

Mountains in AZ

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