Monday, June 20, 2011

Arizona Wildfires

Our world has definitely had its share of experiences this year starting with the major tsunami back in March that hit Japan killing thousands of people.   From killer tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and major flooding, I won't be surprised if Houston doesn't experience a major hurricane this season. So far we have had a dry summer down here so we are begging for rain.  Unfortunately, so is Arizona.

For the past month, Arizona has been in a battle of their own - wildfires. One post documents the wildfire as the largest in history. Sadly, the wildfire has consumed thousands of acres and has destroyed many lives and wildlife.  What is even more sad is that the fire was started by human error.  I've been keeping the firefighters and the wildlife in my prayers.  May God keep them safe.

Gee...great! Just what I need on my vaca - battling a wildfire. Seeing a wildfire wasn't exactly an item on my bucket list.  But then again, I am sure God has quite a few more items that He will be freely sharing with me on this trip.

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